Positive Thinking versus Being Positive

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin

We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be.
~Anne Lamott

Positive thinking versus being positive.  One is a concept; a precept of the mind where you try to convince yourself of your own enough-ness.  The other is a knowing that you already are.  At what point do we start believing and stop trying to persuade ourselves?  At what point do we realize how unnecessary all the positive thinking was?  It does come you know – FINALLY.  Maybe it’s age or experience or perhaps a great love finally sets us free, and we stop reassuring ourselves with thoughts of devotion and beauty and fulfillment and just relax into being.  No longer needing the stories we used to tell ourselves.